Online GCSE History
knowledge tests
+ instant gap analysis provides Edexcel and AQA GCSE history knowledge tests. Covering many units from the specification the tests cover all of the four GCSE Assessment Objectives.

How works...
1. Choose a test
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- 5 offers specific tests and quizzes that cover all of the prescribed content for Edexcel and AQA’s most popular Thematic, British, Period and Modern World
studies. Simply choose a particular test for homework or revision purposes and test your student’s knowledge.
2. Choose the students
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Once you’ve selected a test, choose which students you would like to complete the questions. Once set, individual students can log in and complete the tasks.
3. Students take the test
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Each test includes a variety of question types including ‘fill the gap’ and ‘match the definition’ as well as tick and multi-choice questions. The questions are designed to assess your students’ substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Questions also check your class’s ability to understand key terms, decode examination questions and assess their chronological understanding.

4. Class gap analysis
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View instant graphs of the whole groups results and quickly identify gaps in their knowledge and understanding. Alternatively, choose to view the results by assessment objective to see where they struggle.
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